This is no secret... women want attention. The female desire for that central location in the universe is often misunderstood though, or at least discussed in language full of miscues and misnomers. Women don't want to be the center of THE universe, they want to be the center of the universes within the minds of those they are consumed by and preoccupied with. With that I would argue that fame, as an end, is at heart a masculine goal, that is yearned for by women as a vicarious experience... Women seem to seek fame to impress upon those closest to them their value... often out of a desire to prove naysayers wrong and impress people that are important to them rather than the almost colonial desire for expanded influence and exaltation that many men are driven by. So I would argue that the unbending linguistic laws of the "man's world" rear their blunt and imprecise head in the discourse concerning female ambition...
Thus fame becomes another launch point for identifying what fuels the female experience... While men seem to remain focused on THE universe shared by us all, women seem to understand this shared universe as a more fractious conglomeration of universes owned and governed by the subjective experiences of us all, from ant to homo-sapien, from Andrew to Zachary, we each have a WORLD of sorts. To a woman, each of our worlds form 4 dimensional venn-diagrams as our experiences collide, with the four dimensions being shared time, chemistry, objective value or "on paper" credentials, and subjective interpretation of physical beauty... (TBC - ELLIPSIS)