Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thoughts from Memory Lane

This past weekend, I drove down to Charlottesville to meet up with an old college friend. As soon as I got to my college home, I felt this tidal wave of nostalgia grip me in it's undertow... I felt like I was drowning in it all weekend. "DROWNING???" you may ask. Well, drowning is a helpless, out of control feeling brought on by immersion in water. I was immersed in memories and, frankly, old habits. It was, at once, a reminder of how far I've come, and how much further along I should be...

As I drove to my buddy's new house on the outskirts of Charlottesville, we passed by the Charlottesville Jail, which I had spent some time in a few years back. As we pulled up to the house and walked on in, I was impressed by the house, how well put-together and how well-kept it was. John had really done something with himself.

I settled in a bit and then we started to talk about John's business, my work, Dean's work, life in Charlottesville, life for us who'd moved back to D.C., and other regular let's-catch-up topics. As the pleasantries concluded, our conversation drifted to how we've changed and grown up quite a bit. We would be having kids soon, we all agreed, and we'd be getting married. With those changes on the horizon, we would have to make of our lives a stage, with all the appropriate props, for the scenes of our adulthood to take place. There would be no smoking, no binge drinking, no excessive cursing... at least not on stage, right. And this eerie conversation seemed to set the stage itself, in a way, for a night of drinking and smoking... somehow, us acknowledging that we would have to grow up soon was like an excuse shielding us from those responsibilities for the night...

Or maybe it was another kind of stage-setting altogether; the development of another sideshow that all men need... a place where youth can be reenacted. This stage is adorned with stripper poles, neon lights, call girls, alcohol, drugs, and only one rule: what happens on-stage stays there.

Sometimes I feel like the gender divide is as simple as this: women live to look young again, and men live to feel young again...(Ellipsis)

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Love the last line- Women live to look young again, and men live to feel young again. Very well said.
